BJP chief and Home Minister Amit Shah said today that said many parties get divided after facing electoral defeats as they run "on the basis of individuals, family and caste but not the BJP, which has grown strong over the years on the basis of its ideology."
Launching the party's membership drive in Telangana, he said that in the past, many parties have broken with just one failure.
"After a single defeat, the Congress got divided, so did the Telugu Desam Party. Such parties cannot tolerate failure, because they run on the basis of individuals and family and caste. The BJP is moving forward with a dream to make India vishwa guru'', he said.
Mr Shah said former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had mocked the BJP for having two members in Lok Sabha, saying they believed in "family planning". Now the situation was such that the Congress has failed to even achieve the status of the main opposition party in Parliament, while the BJP came to power with a full majority, he said.
For the BJP's membership drive, Mr Shah set a target of enrolling 18 lakh new members in Telangana.