Karnataka Congress President D K Shivakumar on Monday alleged the ruling BJP, which is embarrassed by corruption charges against one of its MLAs, is exerting pressure on Income Tax and Lokayukta officials to catch those from opposition parties in similar cases and to keep a strict vigil on people around certain leaders including him.
The Lokayukta last week recovered over Rs eight crore unaccounted cash from BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa's son V Prashanth Madal, in an alleged bribery case, causing a huge embarrassment to the party ahead of the Assembly polls, due by May.
"They (BJP) are embarrassed, so pressure is being built on officers like those from Income Tax, Lokayukta and others to catch leaders from Congress and JD(S)," Shivakumar said.
Speaking to reporters here, he said, officials have been asked to keep a strict vigil on those around him, Congress Legislature Party leader Siddaramaiah and its Working Presidents, among other leaders.
"Some officers have such a large amount of money that, even Ministers don't have that much, money has been kept with some officers, we have all the information," he added.
The Congress has called for a two-hour bandh on March 9 from 9 am to 11 am, as part of its fight against the ruling BJP over alleged corruption, following the Lokayukta raid.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)