BJP is all set to win mayoral elections in 14 of 16 municipal corporations in Uttar Pradesh. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, for whom the civic polls were being seen as the big test on his government's performance, has not just passed it, but come through with flying colours. BJP won the prestigious Ayodhya and Varanasi seats. In Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's parliamentary constituency Amethi too, BJP registered victory. Taking potshots on Mr Gandhi, the UP chief minister said, "People who were saying big things about Gujarat, they haven't been able to open their account and have been cleared out of Amethi too."
Messages poured on social networking site Twitter after the BJP victory became certain in the UP civic polls 2017. Here are some early reactions:
UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath credited PM Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah
"The BJP's historic win in the UP civic polls is because of PM Modi's development policies and Amit Shah's guidance," he said.
Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Arun Jaitley said that government's people-centric policies resonated with Uttar Pradesh voters.
"Our government's people centric policies & its widespread acceptance by the people of India is once again reconfirmed in the results of the #UPCivicPolls2017 The triumph of BJP in Uttar Pradesh municipal elections vindicates our honest actions for a better future," he tweeted.
Our government's people centric policies & its widespread acceptance by the people of India is once again reconfirmed in the results of the #UPCivicPolls2017 The triumph of BJP in Uttar Pradesh municipal elections vindicates our honest actions for a better future.
- Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) December 1, 2017
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that 'once again, the agenda of development wins'.
He tweeted that UP civic poll victory will propel the government to work harder for the development of the people.
Amit Shah- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 1, 2017
@myogiadityanath @DrMNPandeyMP
- Amit Shah (@AmitShah) December 1, 2017
Congratulations Team @BJP4UP , CM Shri @myogiadityanath ji & all karyakartas on a resounding victory in #UPCivicPolls2017
- Poonam Mahajan (@poonam_mahajan) December 1, 2017
Thanks to the people of Uttar Pradesh for trusting us.
Priti Gandhi, National Executive Member, BJP Mahila Morcha , credited Smriti Irani for Amethi win "Best part is that our BJP mayoral candidate is leading in Amethi. Full credit to @smritiirani for her commitment & consistent efforts in the region," she tweeted.
Best part is that our BJP mayoral candidate is leading in Amethi. Full credit to @smritiirani for her commitment & consistent efforts in the region. #UPCivicPolls2017
- Priti Gandhi (@MrsGandhi) December 1, 2017
- Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) December 1, 2017
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