In a fresh escalation of political tensions in West Bengal, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a scathing attack on Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan, accusing her of neglecting the serious issues faced by women in Sandeshkhali. The area has recently witnessed clashes between the police and BJP workers protesting against alleged sexual harassment of women by Trinamool Congress leaders.
As BJP workers led by state party president Sukanta Majumder protested against the purported sexual exploitation in Sandeshkhali, Nusrat Jahan shared photos of her celebrating Valentine's Day with her husband, actor Yash Dasgupta.
Wearing an elegant crimson dress, she was seen in a Valentine's Day-themed photoshoot, which she shared on her official Instagram account.
The BJP seized the opportunity to criticize the actor-turned-politician, highlighting what they see as a stark contrast in priorities.
"Priorities matter: In Sandeshkhali, women are protesting for their respect. Meanwhile, the TMC MP of Basirhat is celebrating Valentine's Day," the Bengal BJP said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
Priorities matter:
— BJP West Bengal (@BJP4Bengal) February 14, 2024
In Sandeshkhali, women are protesting for their respect. Meanwhile, the TMC MP of Basirhat is celebrating Valentine's Day. #ShameOnMamata #SandeshKhaliHorror
NDTV's investigation into the Sandeshkali matter revealed the complex situation in region. Despite the BJP's claims of sexual assault, women interviewed by NDTV stated that the allegations may not be entirely true. However, they disclosed instances of being summoned to the BJP office at odd hours and facing threats if they refused. Fearful of reprisals, none of the women were willing to reveal their identities on camera.
The tension escalated on Wednesday when West Bengal BJP President Sukanta Majumdar reportedly suffered injuries during a clash with the police as he attempted to reach Sandeshkhali. The BJP alleges that their visit aimed to speak with the women who have been allegedly victimized.
Leader of Opposition in the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, condemned the treatment of Sukanta Majumdar by the state police, stating that the BJP would protest against it.
Responding to the accusations, the Trinamool Congress accused the BJP of attempting to disrupt peace in the area. West Bengal Minister Shashi Panja emphasized that the situation was returning to normalcy, with the National Women's Commission finding no evidence of sexual harassment during their visit.
The West Bengal Police also weighed in on the controversy, denying any such allegations and cautioning against "wilful misinformation" by certain media outlets. The incident has further intensified the ongoing political battle between the BJP and the Trinamool Congress in the state.
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