The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) top brass on Thursday held a meeting under the leadership of its prime ministerial candidate Lal Krishna Advani to do some "stock-taking" after the final phase of polling got over and to chalk out a strategy for wooing prospective allies to form the next government.
The meeting, which was held at Advani's residence in New Delhi, was attended by party president Rajnath Singh and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Modi did not mince words for the purpose of his visit to the national capital while talking to reporters prior to the meeting.
"I am here to take part in the post-poll political process. What is there to hide," he said.
Others who attended the meeting include S Gurumurthy of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Advani's associate Sudheendhra Kulkarni, spokespersons Ravi Shankar Prasad, Prakash Javadekar and Balbir Punj, and Piyush Goyal, a businessman close to the party.
The presence of Gurumurthy in the meeting is an indication that the party is wooing AIADMK chief Jayalalithaa. Both the leaders are said to enjoy good equations with her.
Later, Singh discussed the future course of action with RSS leader Suresh Soni and others at the RSS office in Jhandewalan.