The BJP put out a question on Twitter on Wednesday, shortly after Home Minister and party chief Amit Shah's charge in parliament during a debate on top-level protection to VVIPs, alleging that some had been misusing the security cover given by the Special Protection Group or SPG.
"Don't make me take names but someone rides around at 100 km/hour speed in Lutyens' Delhi and security gets left behind. Then no one cares about security," Amit Shah said in the Lok Sabha, where the Congress accused the government of targeting their president Sonia Gandhi and her children Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra for political reasons.
The comment triggered intense speculation about the subject of the Home Minister's barb. His party BJP cashed in on the debate by asking social media users to guess who Mr Shah was referring to.
Can you guess the SPG protectee (now former) here?
— BJP (@BJP4India) November 27, 2019
Replying to the debate on the SPG (Amendment) Bill, Mr Shah also said that said security of Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her children Rahul and Priyanka has not been withdrawn but changed to "Z-plus" category. He said that the security cover has in fact been increased for the Gandhi family.
The minister also said since 2015, Rahul Gandhi had travelled 1,892 times in India and 247 times abroad without informing the SPG.
He said that the BJP does not carry out any action with a vindictive mind-set and it was the Congress which took many such decisions in the past.
The bill was passed amid a walkout by the Congress. Several opposition members also wanted changes in the bill which were defeated by voice votes.
According to the amendment, the SPG will now protect the prime minister and members of his immediate family residing with him at his official residence.
The SPG amendment bill has been brought days after the government decided to withdraw the SPG security of the Gandhi family and replaced it with the "Z-plus" security cover by the Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF.
The Congress attacked the government for the move, with leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury accusing it of "targeting a family that has sacrificed two lives for the nation" in reference to the assassination of former Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv.