BJP's Pramod Sawant was on Tuesday sworn in as the new chief minister of Goa. The 45-year-old takes over from former defence minister and four-time CM of Goa Manohar Parrikar, who was cremated at the Miramar beach on Monday. At a much-delayed swearing-in ceremony, held around 2 am Tuesday, 11 other MLAs, part of the Mr Parrikar-led cabinet, were also sworn in as ministers. Manohar Ajgaonkar and Sudin Dhawalikar of Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP), Vijai Sardesai of Goa Forward party (GFP) and Govind Gawde and Rohan Khaunte (both independents) took their oaths as cabinet ministers. The ceremony, held at a cramped Raj Bhavan, was to take place at 11 pm Monday but was delayed due to inexplicable reasons.
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Best wishes to Dr. Pramod Sawant Ji on being sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Goa.
- Chowkidar Rajyavardhan Rathore (@Ra_THORe) March 19, 2019
I am confident that he will continue to lead Goa to prosperity and carry forward the proud legacy of Parrikar ji.
After PM Modi, Union minister Hansraj Gangaram Ahir congratulates Goa chief minster Pramod Sawant.
Congratulations to #Dr_Pramod_Sawant Ji on taking oath as the #Chief_Minister of #Goa. My best wishes to him. I am confident that he will continue work towards fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of the people of #Goa.
- Chowkidar Hansraj Ahir (@ahir_hansraj) March 19, 2019
Best wishes to Dr. Pramod Sawant and his team as they begin their journey towards fulfilling the dreams of the people of Goa. I am sure they will build on the work done in the last few years and boost Goa's growth trajectory.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 19, 2019