Senior BJP leader Uma Bharti was admitted to a hospital on Monday, a day after she slipped and injured herself at an ashram near Rishikesh. The former union minister has two fractures in her left foot, besides some injury to the head, sources at the Himalayan Hospital, Jollygrant, where she is admitted, said.
Ms Bharti slipped at Brahmapuri ashram near Rishikesh on Sunday afternoon. Initially, there was just a swelling but she was brought to the hospital on Monday morning after she complained of severe pain, the sources said.
Tweeting about her injury, Ms Bharti said her foot was in plaster and the cast will remain in place for a month.
4. कल दोपहर के भोजन के बाद फिसल गई जिससे मेरे पांव में सूजन आई, रात में बहुत सूजन एवं दर्द बढ़ गया। आज सवेरे मुझे देहरादून के हिमालयन अस्पताल में जांच के लिए लाया गया, एक्स-रे से पता लगा है कि मेरे बाएं पांव के पंजे में दो जगह फैक्चर हुआ है तथा सिर में भी चोट लगी है।
— Uma Bharti (@umasribharti) November 18, 2019
A team of doctors has advised her to be at the hospital for 24 hours, she added.
The BJP leader is currently on a tour from Gangotri, where the Ganga originates, to Ganga Sagar in West Bengal.
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