This Article is From Jun 07, 2013

Blog: "I was acid-attacked. This is my story."

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I am Pragya, a post graduate in Fashion Management, and a very happy wife and mother of two little angels. I work with

I was acid-attacked on 30th April, 2006 - 12 days after my wedding - by a jilted lover who was not happy with my marriage. I had my campus placements in New Delhi and was travelling in the train. I was sleeping when the man threw acid on my face.

Due to the burning sensation, I woke up and saw fumes coming off my hands and body. I jumped off  from the third berth and started shouting in pain.

Thankfully there was a doctor travelling into another coach... she immediately realized that it's an acid attack. She told fellow passengers to start bathing me with plenty of water. That's how my life was saved.

I went through treatment for two years, and had nine plastic surgeries. My doctor made every possible attempt to make me OK so that people don't get scared when they see me.

In dreams, I see my old face in mirror. I fight to look normal... without eyebrows, no hairline... how can I look like that?

And then I came across  

I am proud of my accomplishment - " I am not a victim, I am an ' Ambassador.'"

I have to fight for others who need our support at the moment.

Had it not been the negligence of society, government and judiciary this crime would have been non-existent in our society but in reality it is increasing day by day.

I don't want the accused to ever come out of jail. Why only 14 years of imprisonment? Rigorous imprisonment till death is what I demand for all the convicts.

Why can't government regulate the supply of acid in local market? Why is it not possible? Why can't we find some other alternatives to clean the house or bathrooms? They are available surely. All across the country, one can walk into a number of shops in rural or urban centers and purchase any amount of highly concentrated acid from shopkeepers.
I think the buyer of acid should have to submit his/her ID Proof. The seller must be licensed.

Preeti Rathi was attacked in broad daylight at Bandra Station in Mumbai on May 2 this year. She suffered severe injuries on her face and internal organs. Her eyes were damaged, her liver and kidneys got infected and she endured crucifying pain for almost a month.

She put up a brave fight but eventually gave in to her injuries and infection. She left us after suffering a cardiac arrest on 1st June 2013.

It has been a month since the attack and the culprit is still at large. Nobody knows who he is as his face was covered during the incident. The police has not made any headway yet. With every passing day, the chance of nabbing the culprit is getting bleaker. Preeti was about to start a new life as a nurse in the Indian Navy. She worked very hard to get this job so that she could support us. But her excitement and enthusiasm was cut short due to an act of madness by a maniac.

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