The Uttar Pradesh police decided to use the India vs Pakistan game in the T20 World Cup to sound a warning to bookies. In a post on Twitter, they advised fans to stay away from betting on the match as it is a penal offence. "Enjoy the match, say no to betting," UP police said in the tweet.
The police body also warned bookies that they would be caught and brought to justice. "The bookies will be clean bowled by the Yorker of law & brought to book," they said.
Wanna safe bet for #IndiaVPak match?
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) October 24, 2021
The bookies will be clean bowled by the Yorker of law & brought to book!
Enjoy the match, Say No to #Betting.#indiaVsPakistan #T20WorldCup2021 #TeamIndia
The UP Police posted the tweet along with a clip from the Emraan Hashmi-starrer Jannat. In the scene, actor Emraan Hashmi and his friends can be seen betting on a India match. At the end of the clip, they added a message to emphasize that such acts always get caught.
India opened their ICC World T20 campaign on Sunday, facing Pakistan as their first opponents. In the Super 12, India are in a group with Pakistan, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Scotland and Namibia. India will play one match against each of these opponents. The top two teams in the group will advance to the semifinals.
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