Indian Twitter is abuzz with activity as online food delivery service provider Zomato's initial public offering (IPO) worth Rs. 9,375 crore opened up for subscription. Given the occasion, it was understandable that the team must be nursing some nerves. The restaurant aggregator and review platform shared with its followers on its official Twitter handle just how they were feeling with a one-line tweet on Wednesday. The post read, “Mereko to aisa dhak dhak horela hai (My heart is pounding),” inspired by the iconic scene — and the subsequent meme — from the film Hera Pheri.
In a succinct display of camaraderie, several Indian brands made sure that they kept Zomato's spirits high. They left messages that were both hilarious and encouraging.
For instance, Kotak Securities, a stockbroking house, responded to the tweet saying, “Chill karo, humare saath subah ki ChaIPO (Chill, have the morning tea with us)," with a pun on the Hindi word chai and IPO.
Keeping in line with the Indian tradition of having curd and sugar before stepping out for an important task, Treebo Hotels offered to send some to Zomato.
Similarly, Testbook, the learning platform, leaned on a Pankaj Tripathi photo to cheer Zomato on. Along with the image, the caption said, "Ho jayega (It will be done)."
Even home services provider, Urban Company quote-tweeted Zomato's post and wrote, "Abhi toh massage SEBI relax nahi ho paaoge warna abhi bhej dete. (Now, even a massage won't help, else we would have arranged for it). All the best! Rooting for team Zomato and Deepinder Goyal," tagging the founder and referencing the regulatory body, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
That's not all, Cash Karo, too, joined in on the fun and said, "Don't worry Zomato. If you need to feel EXXXTRA good, you can always shop via CashKaro and get EXXXTRA Cashback."
Indian fitness technology company, GOQii even had a health tip for Zomato. Responding to the tweet, it said, "Don't worry Zomato. If heart ki dhak dhak is under 85 bpm then all is well! "
Founder of Zomato, Mr Goyal, had said earlier on Wednesday that he was "stress eating" and had ordered a "triple breakfast".
He later updated his followers that he was feeling better “after the breakfast and all the love”.
Meanwhile, Zomato's public issue has a three-day subscription window till July 16. The share prices are estimated to be in the range of Rs 72-76.