A group of BSP workers allegedly stoned the office of a Malayalam daily here on Friday protesting a cartoon carried by it on the currency note garland controversy involving Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and party supremo Mayawati.
According to a spokesman of the newspaper, "Tejas", the slogan-shouting group, holding the BSP flag, smashed the office sign board and damaged a vehicle parked before it.
The protesters alleged that their leader was depicted in a "unsavoury manner" in the cartoon "unbecoming of the journalistic ethics and values".
Police said a case had been registered in connection with the incident.
According to a spokesman of the newspaper, "Tejas", the slogan-shouting group, holding the BSP flag, smashed the office sign board and damaged a vehicle parked before it.
The protesters alleged that their leader was depicted in a "unsavoury manner" in the cartoon "unbecoming of the journalistic ethics and values".
Police said a case had been registered in connection with the incident.