Lok Sabha witnessed three adjournments, while Rajya Sabha too was adjourned for the day due to Sunday's development in Kolkata where the CBI tried to interrogate Kolkata Police chief and West Bengal Chief Minister sat on a dharna protesting the move.
Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge slammed the government and accused it of trying to finish off the opposition by using the CBI. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, however, refuted the charges and termed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's ongoing sit-in protest in Kolkata as "unprecedented". "The CBI was probing a multi-crore chit fund scam and wanted to interrogate the Kolkata Police chief. Since the scam took place in several states, the case was transferred to the CBI. The tussle between two law enforcement agencies is unfortunate and threatens the federal structure," he said.