The Uttarakhand Police has registered a case against Instagram influencer Bobby Kataria after one of the videos showing him consuming liquor on a busy Dehradun road went viral. The video, posted by Mr Kataria on his Instagram handle on July 28, triggered widespread anger among Twitter users. He had said in the caption, "It's time to enjoy on the roads." A case has already been filed against Mr Kataria, a Gurgaon resident, for lighting a cigarette inside an aircraft. People on Twitter flagged the video to Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia.
In the video from Dehradun, Mr Kataria - who has 6.3 lakh followers on Instagram - is seen sitting on a chair in the middle of a road and consuming liquor.
The video, shot by Mr Kataria's aide, has been uploaded with background song "Road apne baap ki (the road belongs to my father)."
In a tweet on its official handle, the Uttarakhand Police said that the Director General of Police (DGP) Ashok Kumar took cognizance of the video and filed cases against Mr Kataria under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Information Technology Act.
Replying to the police's tweet, many users posted many other videos of Mr Kataria with a man, who they identified as Gaurav Khandelwal. They asked the police to take strict action against Mr Khandelwal too.
Meanwhile, sources in Bureau of Civil Aviation Security said the video that shows Mr Kataria lighting a cigarette inside a SpiceJet flight is old and a First Information Report, or FIR, was filed. Appropriate action was taken, they said.
Passengers are not allowed to take lighter in the plane. Smoking too is banned inside a plane. Apart from inconveniencing passengers, smoking inside the pressurised cabin of an aircraft poses serious risk of fire.