Former Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh's car collided with a bike in Rajgarh, Madhya Pradesh on Thursday. The biker, Rambabu Bagri, 20, has been injured. Doctors said his condition is stable.
CCTV footage from the road showed the biker, who was coming from the opposite direction, suddenly take a right turn without stopping and checking for oncoming traffic. The Toyota Fortuner carrying Mr Singh, travelling at a high speed, hit the motorbike squarely and he fell off.
Mr Singh was the first to get off the car and rush to the victim. He was taken to a nearby hospital from where he was referred to a hospital in Bhopal.
Dr Manoj Gupta, posted at the government hospital in Jirapur, said the biker, a resident of Rajpur's Parolia, has suffered a head injury.
"His condition is stable and he has been referred to Chirayu Hospital in Bhopal for CT scan," he added.
This morning, Mr Singh had gone to the house of the Congress district president Prakash Purohit, whose mother died, at village Kodakya, to pay tribute.
After staying there for a while, he had left for Rajgarh. The accident took place on the way, around 3 pm.
The driver of Mr Singh's car, Akhtar Khan, has been arrested and the car seized by the local police.
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