This Article is From Apr 21, 2012

CBI files third chargesheet in Bhanwari Devi case

Jodhpur: It may not be as explosive as the 2nd charge sheet in the Bhanwari Devi case, which named the now jailed, Congress politicians Mahipal Maderna a former minister, and MLA from Luni, Malkhan Singh for the abduction and murder of nurse Bhanwari Devi, but the CBI's 3rd chargesheet, seems to explain the roles of all the players in the disappearance and murder of the 36 year old nurse.

The third chargesheet in this case , filed almost a month and a half after the 2nd chargesheet looks at the role of Pukhraj , Dinesh and Reshmaram, who are in judicial custody in Jodhpur ,while investigation against absconding accused Indra Bishnoi, sister of jailed MLA Malkhan Singh, has been kept  pending.

Pukhraj Bishnoi: Son of Sohanlal, the man accused of abducting Bhanwari
Pukhraj, the first name in this chargesheet is the son of Sohanlal Bishnoi, a relative of Malkhan Singh, the MLA from Luni with whom it is said Bhanwari had a child and a long term relationship. On the day she went missing, Bhanwari had met Pukhraj's father Sohanlal to collect up the payment for her car.

According to the CBI, Pukhraj played the role of a willing alibi to his father and attempted in many ways to mislead the investigation.
They say, on the day Bhanwari was abducted by his father, Pukhraj exchanged mobile sim card with him and took his father's sim card to another location so that the police investigation would not be able to establish Sohanlal's presence with Bhanwari in Bilada town.

Apart from trying to create alibis for his father, Pukhraj also got the sale deeds of the car ready, which was used as a pretext to get Bhanwari away from her home in Borunda alone to Bilada from where she could be abducted. Pukhraj was also according to the chargesheet the main conduit through whom money transactions between the politicians who planned the murder and the executioners of the crime, took place. It was to Pukhraj that Mahipal Maderna's confidant Sahiram gave 10 lakhs in 2 installments for carrying out Bhanwari's murder.

Dinesh Bishnoi: Nephew of Sohanlal
Dinesh Bishnoi, the nephew of Sohanlal and Pukhraj's cousin was given the task of delivering  Rs 50,000 to Bhanwari's husband, Amarchand who first filed the FIR in court indicting Mahipal Maderna. Through the investigation, The CBI established that Amarchand was in fact part of the larger conspiracy hatched by MLA Singh and his associates to kill her.

As per them, Bishnoi delivered Rs 50,000 to Amarchand for persuading Bhanwari to go alone to Bilada to collect money for the sale of her car. And because Amarchand pretended his car needed repairs, Bhanwari had to take a ride back home with Sohanlal, after which she never returned.

Reshmaram: Accomplice to Indra Bishnoi, alleged mastermind of the crime
Reshmaram, a government school teacher was a longtime accomplice of Indra Bishnoi, the sister of MLA Singh. Reshmaram was part of the conspiracy to abduct Bhanwari and have her murdered, after he had allegedly heard Indra discussing that Bhanwari, who was blackmailing both Maderna and Singh should be either killed in an accident or murdered.

Indra and Reshmaram found and destroyed the CD that had Bhanwari in a compromising position with Singh. However Bhanwari had also made a CD with herself and Maderna. They then hatched the conspiracy to murder Bhanwari and put the blame squarely on Maderna to disgrace him politically, so that he would be dropped from the Ashok Gehlot ministry and her brother Malkhan could get a ministerial berth instead.

The accused have now been charged under section 120-b (punishment of criminal conspiracy), 364 (kidnapping or abducting for murder), 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence) and 302 (punishment for murder) of IPC and under SC/ST Act.

The third charge sheet contains 16 witnesses. Out of the total 17 accused in the case, 16 including ruling Congress party MLAs Mahipal Maderna and Malkhan Bishnoi, are under judicial custody while Indra is absconding.

36-year-old Bhanwari Devi was abducted and murdered last year. According to CBI sources, Bhanwari had demanded Rs 50 lakh from Maderna with whom she was shown in a compromising position in a CD. However she also had a similar CD with Singh. While Maderna too wanted to kill off Bhanwari, it was Singh and his accomplices who got to her first.

