CBI officer AK Bassi has approached the Supreme Court challenging his transfer to Port Blair. Mr Bassi, who was the investigating officer in an alleged corruption case against former CBI No. 2 Rakesh Asthana, said he is being "victimised by the present CBI director M Nageswara Rao".
Mr Bassi alleged Mr Rao "represents certain elements within the CBI, who did not want him to conduct a free and fair investigation in the Asthana FIR".
Mr Bassi said it was Mr Rao, who passed the order on October 24 last year transferring him to Port Blair.
In his plea, Mr Bassi challenged the transfer order issued on January 11, saying it violated the directions issued by the Supreme Court in its judgement on the plea of former CBI director Alok Verma.
Mr Bassi alleged the transfer order was the first step to implicate him either in a false criminal case or in departmental proceedings for doing his duties in a fair and impartial manner into the FIR against Mr Asthana. He said it was not a routine case of a transfer.
On January 8, the top court had told the CBI officers including Mr Bassi to approach an appropriate forum where they should take up the matter.