The Central Bureau of Investigation has registered a case against a man named Anirudh Singh for allegedly impersonating as an aide of the special assistant to PK Mishra, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The accused had allegedly approached plane manufacturer Boeing's India unit, whose officials contacted the Prime Minister's Office to inform about him. The probe agency has registered the case based on a complaint from PK Issar, Assistant Director, PMO.
Mr Issar, in his complaint to the CBI in January 2020, had forwarded the communication received at Mr Mishra's office from Boeing India.
"As mentioned over the call, one Mr Anirudh Singh keeps calling our office Executive Secretary from his mobile and claims that he works for Mr Jitendra Kumar, who is a special Assistant of Mr PK Mishra. He keeps referring to some defence bids that we have submitted in Ministry of Defence and that he has orders from some higher ups for us to meet with PK Mishra and Amit Shah," it said.
Boeing had informed the PMO in November, 2019 and the PMO forwarded the complaint in January.
The agency in its discreet verification has found that Singh had made calls to Boeing India office on two numbers from his mobile phone in November last year, making the claims of working for Jitendra Kumar, who he said was the special assistant to Mr Mishra, news agency PTI reported.
Sources in the CBI say that their probe has revealed that no person named Jitendra Kumar works as special assistant to Mr Mishra.
"We are also probing how this impersonator got the information about the said defence bids in the Ministry of Defence" added the sources.