Disgraced former Satyam chief Ramalinga Raju, his brother Rama Raju, former CFO Srinivas and two sacked auditors of Pricewaterhouse were brought out of Chanchalguda prison in Hyderabad on Tuesday.
Two months after Ramalinga Raju was arrested, the disgraced chief of Satyam is now face to face with the CBI officers who will interrogate him for a week in Hyderabad.
Over the next seven days, Raju and the other accused in the Satyam fraud case will be interrogated by the CBI.
",The judge has not given permission to the CBI to interrogate in the night. At the time of interrogation, their counsels will be present,", CBI deputy legal advisor B Ravindranath said.
Due to security reasons, Raju and the four other accused in the fraud are being housed in a guesthouse, instead of the lock-up near the CBI office. The Dilkusha guesthouse, which lies adjacent to the Raj Bhavan, has been converted into a CBI office for the Satyam investigation.
One of Satyam's city offices is located on this Raj Bhavan Road and Raju also owns an apartment nearby from where CID officials claimed to have seized hundreds of land-related documents.
Ironically, Raj Bhavan is also a place where Raju has been an invitee on several occasions, in better times.
The CBI will be trying to get answers from Raju on the Satyam fraud even as the iconic company he set up, will be up for sale.