The Central Board Of Investigation has launched a probe into allegations of corruption within the film board CBFC after Tamil actor Vishal claim that some officials took a bribe to clear the Hindi version of his new film 'Mark Antony'.
Actor Vishal had posted a long video on X accusing two individuals from the censor board seeking a bribe to certify the Hindi version of his new film 'Mark Antony'. The video triggered a swift response by the ruling BJP, with the Information and Broadcasting Ministry rushing a senior officer to Mumbai to "conduct an inquiry".
"We applied for film certification online... we had to do it last minute because of some technical issues but were taken aback by what happened. when my agent visited the CBFC office we were given no option but to pay Rs 6.5 lakh to get the certificate by the evening. First told we had to pay Rs 3 lakh for the film to be viewed and then Rs 3.5 lakh for the certificate," he said in the video.