Last week, Bombay Shaving Company CEO Shantanu Deshpande's social media post led to barrage of criticism. His post advised freshers to work 18 hours a day instead of looking for work-life balance. Now, Ease My Trip co-founder Prashant Pitti took to social media to share a problem often faced by employers, which has divided the internet. Mr Pitti shared a screengrab of text messages from a candidate who dropped out of joining the company at the last minute.
Mr Pitti in a post on Twitter wrote, "Someone pls solve this hiring issue. This is hugely prevelant & ends up wasting so much time & resource. Once a candidate accepts offer-letter, companies wait for months & rejects all other potential candidates. But candidate decides on very last day, that they won't be joining."
The screengrab shows text messages sent by a candidate who refused to join Ease My Trip on the joining day. The candidate wrote, "Though I was very motivated to be there, but incidentally I met a CEO of House of D2C brand who was building something similar and seeking a lead." Mr Pitti replied with, "Are you kidding me? Sharing this on the day you were supposed to join?"
Check out Mr Pitti's Tweet:
Someone pls solve this hiring issue
— Prashant Pitti (@ppitti) September 1, 2022
This is hugely prevelant & ends up wasting so much time & resource
Once a candidate accepts offer-letter, companies wait for months & rejects all other potential candidates
But candidate decides on very last day, that they won't be joining
Many people falsely equating this to, employers firing people. Firing and quitting happens all the time
— Prashant Pitti (@ppitti) September 1, 2022
Real equalizer would be, if employers also start to offer-letter and then on joining-date say NO to candidate, as they found better employee!
Would this be acceptable? Big NO
Twitter users were quick to respond to Mr Pitti's post, with some of them equating the situation to an employer firing an employee. "Employers kick out employees when they r not needed, they can also do the same .... In capitalism world both r right..." Mr Pitti's response on the comment read, "Don't accept offer letter, it's fine. But this is after accepting offer-letter & then not showing up the last minute (after making employers wait for months)."
Another user wrote, "Roll back of offers happen too. Nothing new and the candidate has his rights to go with whatever he/she feels is the best for his/her career. Just like any company who takes steps to stay relevant and to move in the right direction."
Few social media users also supported Mr Pitti's views. "He should inform immediately that he is accepting another offer instead of waiting till the DOJ," wrote one user.
While few discussed about the long notice period, other talked about standardisation of salary.
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