Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu's Telugu Desam Party, once the BJP's biggest ally in south, will pitch for a no-confidence motion against the National Democratic Alliance government at the centre in the upcoming monsoon session of parliament over the demand for special category status for his state.
The demand for the special category status for Andhra Pradesh has been a big issue ever since the bifurcation of the state which gave birth to Telangana in 2014. Mr Naidu said Andhra Pradesh was promised a special category status, which would grant to extra funds from the centre, but the BJP-led NDA has refused what it was promised.
Mr Naidu's party had tried to bring a no-confidence motion against the government in parliament earlier this year after arch-rival Jagan Mohan Reddy's YSR Congress sent a notice. However, the no-confidence motions against the government were not been taken up due to repeated adjournments in parliament.
Mr Naidu had pulled out his ministers from PM Modi's government and end their alliance in March this year.
Assembly elections are due in Andhra Pradesh next year and regional parties in the state, including the YSR Congress, have repeatedly targeted the TDP for being unable to secure a special category status for the state.
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