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This Article is From Sep 07, 2019

"Best Is Yet To Come," Says PM Amid Chandrayaan Heartbreak: Top Quotes

Chandrayaan 2: PM Narendra Modi had earlier comforted the scientists, saying the country "was proud" of them. "There are ups and downs in life. This is not a small achievement.

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Chandrayaan 2 Status: PM Narendra Modi speaks at ISRO headquarters

After the late-night, heart-breaking announcement of losing communication with Chandrayaan 2's lander, PM Narendra Modi speaks about the pride the nation holds for space agency ISRO's scientists. Shortly after the announcement by ISRO chief K Sivan, PM Modi had comforted the scientists, saying the country "was proud" of them. "There are ups and downs in life. This is not a small achievement. The nation in proud of you. Hope for the best. I congratulate you," he said.

Here are the top quotes from PM's address at ISRO over Chandrayaan 2 moon mission:

  1. India did not sleep through the night. The entire nation stands in solidarity with you all.

  2. There are no failures in science, only experiments and efforts.

  3. You (ISRO scientists) are among those who live and work hard to take India to new heights. You contribute to the building of the nation.

  4. You spend your entire life to make Mother India proud. I can understand your state of mind. India is with you.

  5. We came very close but we will need to cover more ground. The best is yet to come.

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  7. Some will say that the Moon was so eager to embrace the Chandrayaan that it pulled it in quicker than expected

  8. I have come here to be inspired by all of you.

  9. ISRO is recognized by the world as one of the greatest space agencies. No matter where I travel, the name that ISRO has created for itself is something that makes the nation proud of you all.

  10. It was your Chandrayaan 1 which showed the world that there were traces of water on the Moon. It was your Mangalyaan Mission which made India the first country to successfully reach Mars in its first attempt.

  11. There may be setbacks but we have not lost hope. We have strengthened our resolve.
