Madhya Pradesh Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya said the fire at the renowned Mahakal Temple in Ujjain on Monday morning may have been caused by chemicals in 'gulal', a coloured powder used in rituals and during Holi.
The blaze, which took place in the 'garbha griha' (sanctum sanctorum) of the temple at 5:50am, left 14 priests and 'sevaks' (assistants) injured, eight of whom were shifted to the Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences in Indore.
"It seems all the injured at SAIMS are out of danger, But they will be under observation for the next 24 hours," Vijayvargiya told reporters after visiting the health facility.
"Every year, Holi is celebrated in Mahakaleshwar Temple by throwing gulal. Maybe, some chemical in the gulal caused the fire. However, we are not going to stop the tradition of playing Holi with Lord Bholenath in Mahakaleshwar Temple," he said.
It will be ensured that no chemical laced gulal is used next time, he added.
The magistrate there has ordered an inquiry into the incident and the cause of the fire will be ascertained, he added.
Vijayvargiya said the offices of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah have inquired about the health condition of the injured persons. PTI HWP LAL BNM
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)