On Saturday morning, 28-year-old Supreet Kaur, a news anchor with Chhattisgarh's private IBC-24 channel, was reading her regular 10 am bulletin. Fifteen minutes into the show, she was asked to carry a breaking news update. A Renault Duster SUV had crashed, leaving three dead and two injured.
Though the identity of the passengers of the SUV was not known immediately, Ms Kaur realised she could be reading out the news of her husband, who would travel along with four others on the same route, in an Renault Duster, according to various reports. The news production team realised it too, but couldn't alert her, as she was on live television.
Unfazed, Supreet Kaur kept on reading the news and finished her show with composure.
Only after the show went off-air, she walked out of the studio, and broke down, calling up the reporter to find out more details, according to reports.
Bhilai-based Supreet Kaur has been working with IBC-24 - one of Chhattisgarh's most-viewed channels - for nine years and is a popular anchor. Last year, she married Harsad Kawade. The couple lived together in Raipur and has a daughter.
According to colleagues who were present when the news broke, Supreet Kaur had realised that it was her husband's vehicle while reading out the news, but "bravely" continued to read the news, say reports.
Ms Kaur left for the accident site, reports stated.
The incident has since collected quite a few salutes on Twitter.
Woman of courage #SupreetKaur
- Kriti❤KaranWahi (@kkriti91) April 8, 2017
Really heartbreaking news.
May god giv her mre strength to cope with t loss#respect
@Hoot_Soot #supreetkaur respect to this lady! Epitome iof professionalism and dedication. May God give u strength & courage to pull thru.
- Wilbur Cota (@wilburcota) April 8, 2017
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