Bhupesh Baghel to be the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Congress today announced. "Celebrations are in order in Chhattisgarh as @Bhupesh_Baghel is appointed CM. We wish him the best as he forms a govt. of equality, transparency & integrity starting off with farm loan waiver for farmers as we promised," the party posted on their official Twitter account along with an image of the state Congress chief , Bhupesh Baghel. The win for congress on December 11 meant that party chief Rahul Gandhi had to pick three chief ministers. With two states - Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan done earlier this week, the decision to name the top pick of Chhattisgarh was made today after a legislative party meet in Raipur. Yesterday, Rahul Gandhi tweeted an image of him posing with all the four contenders -- Bhupesh Baghel, TS Singh Deo, Tamradhwaj Sahu, and Charan Das Mahant. Congress put an end to a 15-year BJP rule in Chhattisgarh by winning 68 of the 90 seats in the assembly elections.
Here are the updates for Chhattisgarh Chief Minister announcement:
- Everyone echoed the resolution that whoever Rahul Gandhi chooses, that person will be the Chief Minister
- Three meeting were held. The decision was a really tough one
- Every one of the candidate were brought about results qually and that's why the decision was a tough one
- Rahul Gandhi spoke to all four leaders
- Rahul Ji's message was that Bhupesh Baghel will be chosen to be the chief minister
- It was one voice
- All the other candidates accepted the decision
- Bhupesh Baghel accepted the post as well
- We have come to power after 15 years. We have a huge responsibility. We are confident of our unity
- Bhupesh Baghel will take oath as the chief minister at 5 pm tomorrow
- Decision on the rest of the cabinet will be made later on
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister designate Bhupesh Baghel with Congress leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and PL Punia in Raipur
- ANI (@ANI) December 16, 2018
A day after Congress chief Rahul Gandhi met all the four contenders for the chief ministerial post of Chhattisgarh, the party is expected to announce the name of man for the top job today.
Chhattisgarh: Visuals from the Congress Legislature Party (CLP) meeting in Raipur.
- ANI (@ANI) December 16, 2018