The deplorable state of affairs at a Chhattisgarh hospital has gone viral on social media. The photos and videos from Abhanpur Community Health Centre come at a time when the state government is already battling an online betting nexus worth Rs 6,000 crore which was run by two Chhattisgarh men.
A photo and video from the Abhanpur Hospital shows a young child standing next to the patient with a saline bottle in his hand. There is neither a wheelchair nor a stretcher for the patient to sit, nor is there a stand to hang the saline bottle. The photo has gone viral on social media
The hospital is just 25 kms away from the state capital Raipur.
After visiting the hospital to investigate further, NDTV learned that the condition of the hospital was even worse. There is no pillow or bedsheet for patients in the ward, and no access to clean drinking water.
"After examining the patient, a glucose bottle was administered with the help of a trainee nurse, we will investigate the negligence that has happened regarding the administration of glucose. Whoever is responsible will take action against them as per the guidelines of higher officials," said Pradyayuman Singh Patel, Block Medical Officer, Abhanpur, Raipur.
The medicine distribution centre at the hospital is not functional.
The Chhattisgarh government has been rocked by a online betting app scam worth Rs 6,000 crore, and a liquor sale scam allegedly worth Rs 2,161 crore.
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