This Article is From May 18, 2010

Chidambaram-Jaitley face-off on Naxal issue

New Delhi: The deadly Naxal attack in distant Chhattisgarh seems to be generating political heat here in the capital. The Congress and the BJP are literally involved in a verbal duel.

The main Opposition party, the BJP, found no time in attacking the UPA over its Naxal policy.

"Our party is more concerned after Chidambaram's interview to NDTV. Chidambaram looked like an injured martyr," BJP leader Arun Jaitley said while addressing a press conference in New Delhi.

But the BJP's criticism has not gone down well within the government. The Home Ministry is reportedly upset with Jatiley's remarks.

"I have heard Arun Jaitley's comments. He called me an 'injured martyr' which is a bad choice of words. I would appeal to all political parties, especially BJP to have a bipartisan approach," Home Minister P Chidambaram said.

Jaitley had also said that the Home Minister's 'limited mandate' comment is a telling commentary on the state of affairs.

"As far as the mandate of government in tackling Naxalism is concerned, what I meant was the Centre is there to provide all types of assistance to the state government - whether it's providing additional paramilitary forces or other logistical support. But ultimately, the state governments have primary responsibility to fight Naxals," Chidambaram added.