This Article is From May 03, 2010

Chidambaram's statement on 26/11 judgement

New Delhi: Following is the text of the statement by Union Home Minister, Shri P Chidambaram on court judgment in the 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack case:

"We are satisfied that the trial of Mohammad Ajmal Kasab has  ended in a conviction.  I compliment the investigating agencies and the prosecution for marshalling the evidence and proving beyond reasonable doubt that Kasab and his associates were guilty of the horrific crimes with which they were charged before the Court.

Despite criticism from certain quarters (swayed by emotion and anger), we maintained that Kasab and the other accused ought to be tried in accordance with law and that they should have all the rights that are available to an accused under Indian law.  It was an open trial.  Kasab was represented by counsel.  He was given full opportunity to plead his case.  The case has ended in a conviction.  The trial  of Kasab underlines  the fact that India is a country governed by the rule of law.  

A criminal trial in India can only proceed step by step.  The prosecution has obtained a conviction.  The next step is sentencing and we should await the punishment to which the Court will sentence the accused."