Amid a row over the sacking of CBI director Alok Verma shortly after his reinstatement, Congress on Sunday sought the "immediate removal" of the Chief Vigilance Commissioner KV Chowdary, alleging that he had acted like a "puppet" in the hands of the government.
"The Central Vigilance Commissioner should tender his resignation or he must be sacked," Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said during a press conference at the All India Congress Committee headquarters in New Delhi.
There was no immediate reaction from the Central Vigilance Commission or the government.
"The CVC has been acting like an ambassador, messenger of the government, and lobbying for Asthana (CBI Special Director Rakesh Asthana). The CVC has forgotten that he is supposed to do vigilance for public good, and not be a ''vigilant'' puppet into the hands of political masters," Mr Singhvi alleged.
The senior Congress leader said, he was putting forth the views of his party, based on "objectives facts" that has emerged in the press in connection with the CBI controversy.
"The data and fact in writing demand an immediate action, and that action must start with the removal and sacking of the CVC," he said.