This Article is From May 18, 2015

China Welcomes India's Decision to Extend E-visas to Its Citizens


PM Narendra Modi with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang after a joint press conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on May 15, 2015 (Agence France-Presse photo)

Beijing: Welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to grant e-visas to its citizens, China today said it is willing to make joint efforts with India under its laws to facilitate people-to people exchange.

"During his visit, Prime Minister Modi has announced issuance of e-visas for Chinese tourists. We welcome this move," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a media briefing.

Asked whether China is ready to make a reciprocal gesture, he said, "China is willing to make joint efforts with India under the Chinese laws and regulations so as to facilitate the exchanges of China and Indian people and seek for new development."

The e-visa facility announced by Prime Minister Modi during his visit to Beijing on May 15 came despite strong opposition from the Home Ministry and security agencies over concerns of its misuse.

The e-visas are expected to increase the flow of Chinese tourists to India.

Less than two lakh Chinese tourists visited India last year against over six lakh Indians who visited China.

Mr Hong said PM Modi had "successful talks" with President Xi
Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Zhang Dejiang.

"They exchanged views on bilateral relations and comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity and reached important consensus in this regard," he said.

"They also signed 24 agreements covering different areas and the companies from the two countries signed USD 22 billion worth of agreements. We will implement important consensus reached by the two leaderships and elevate China, India relations to a new high," Mr Hong said.