Bollywood actor Salman Khan accused of slitting the throat and peeling off the skin of poached Chinkara. (File Photo)
After ordering that the pellets be produced for observation, the Rajasthan High Court on Monday directed the trial court to produce the knife which was allegedly used by Bollywood actor Salman Khan for slitting the throat and peeling off the skin of poached Chinkara.
On Friday, while hearing the revision petition moved by Mr Khan against a 5-year jail sentence for poaching of one Chinkara in Mathania on September 28-29, 1998, justice Nirmal Jeet Kaur had ordered the court of CJM (Jodhpur Rural), where the trial in another case of alleged poaching of two Black Bucks is on, to produce 6 pellets in the High Court on May 4.
After this, justice Kaur also ordered the trial court to produce the knife recovered by the investigating agency, which was used by Khan in slitting the hurt chinkara and then peel it off in hotel Ashirwad for cooking", said one of the prosecution counsel Mahipal Bishnoi said on Monday.
The pellets and the knife are the exhibits in another case of poaching which had allegedly taken place in Kankani on October 1-2, 1998, the trial of which is in progress.
Mr Khans' counsel Nishant Bora said that considering their mention and recovery as an important exhibit in the case, the court want to see them.
On Friday, while hearing the revision petition moved by Mr Khan against a 5-year jail sentence for poaching of one Chinkara in Mathania on September 28-29, 1998, justice Nirmal Jeet Kaur had ordered the court of CJM (Jodhpur Rural), where the trial in another case of alleged poaching of two Black Bucks is on, to produce 6 pellets in the High Court on May 4.
After this, justice Kaur also ordered the trial court to produce the knife recovered by the investigating agency, which was used by Khan in slitting the hurt chinkara and then peel it off in hotel Ashirwad for cooking", said one of the prosecution counsel Mahipal Bishnoi said on Monday.
The pellets and the knife are the exhibits in another case of poaching which had allegedly taken place in Kankani on October 1-2, 1998, the trial of which is in progress.
Mr Khans' counsel Nishant Bora said that considering their mention and recovery as an important exhibit in the case, the court want to see them.
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