Chitragupta Puja is performed on the second day of the Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Kartik. As per belief, Chitragupta is tasked with maintaining the accounts of all people on Earth. He keeps a record of all good and bad deeds of a person and suggests rewards or punishment based on that. This is why he is also called the “protector of Dharma”. This puja coincides with Bhai Dooj, a festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters.
Chitragupta Puja 2021: Date
This year, it will be carried out on November 6. People worship account books, pen and ink on this day. As per Hindu mythology, Chitragupta accompanies Yama, the god of death. It is believed that Yama decides the fate of a person based on the records kept by Chitragupta. Many people also pray to Yama on this day, because of which it is also known as Yama Dwitiya.
Chitragupta Puja: Vidhi
On this day, devotees clean the puja area and place the idol of Chitragupta. Light a diya of ghee in front of the deity and prepare panchamitra using dahi, milk, honey, sugar, and ghee. Make a Swastik sign on the ground with a mix of abir, vermillion, turmeric, and sandalwood paste. Put rice on the Swastik and place a kalash, half-filled with water, on it. Also, prepare guraadi by mixing jaggery and ginger.
Chitragupta Puja: Significance
Devotees believe worshipping Chitragupta will remove the impact of their bad deeds in his record book. Some believe Chitragupta updates the record if he sees the person making amends.