Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said he has instructed the officials of Gujarat's Gandhinagar district to take steps to contain the cases of cholera, which has so far claimed five lives in Kalol town.
Mr Shah, who represents the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat, said this in a tweet.
"Upon learning about the emergence of cholera cases in some part of Kalol town under the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency, I held a telephonic discussion with Gandhinagar district collector and health officer today and instructed them to take necessary steps to contain the spread of the disease," he said.
He added that officials were also asked to make necessary arrangements for the treatment of the infected persons.
Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness that can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated.
On July 6, the district administration in Gandhinagar had declared Kalol town as a cholera-affected region after five cases were found there.
An order declaring the area in a two-kilometre radius of Kalol as affected by the ailment was issued on July 6 by Gandhinagar collector Kuldeep Arya under the Epidemic Diseases Act for a period of one month.
Till now, five persons from Kalol town have lost their lives after getting infected, while around 25 suspected patients, having symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea are admitted in local hospitals at present, said Chief District Health Officer, M H Solanki, adding that three new cases emerged during the last 24 hours.
"Kalol residents were complaining about contaminated drinking water since last one and half month. It happened because an underground water pipeline got ruptured. The Kalol municipality has located that place and work has already started to repair the damaged pipeline," said Mr Solanki.
Notably, Nadiad town of Kheda district was also declared a cholera-affected region two weeks back.