Shubhajit Ghosh can barely contain his excitement. The 17-year-old from Kolkata has topped the class 12 ISC board exams with 99.25% marks. He wants to become an engineer like his father. But on Wednesday he was busy hopping television channel offices.
"I never thought I would be first in the country, was expecting around 97%. I would like to be an engineer, and am preparing for my exams," he says.
This time the pass percentage in both ISC and ICSE exams is marginally up, around 98% with girls faring better than boys as usual. But both the toppers are boys.
Rishi Mehta from Mumbai has topped the class ten exams with 99% marks. And this as his mother died of cancer, while he was taking his exams.
For the moment both toppers are taking a break and enjoying all the attention.