A 14-year-old schoolgirl in Karnataka died by suicide after being allegedly harassed by a teacher who suspected her of stealing Rs 2,000. The girl's family has filed a police complaint saying that the girl was driven to the tragic act due to distress caused by events at her school.
The teacher, Jayashree Mishrikoti, and headmaster KH Mujawar at Bagalkot's government high school have been accused of harassing the girl. This action purportedly stemmed from suspicions raised by Jayashree, who suspected the child of stealing Rs 2000 from her wallet.
She allegedly told the Class 8 student that she would be expelled if found guilty.
Some reports also claimed that the girl was strip-searched, but the police have said that haven't found evidence for it yet.
The events came to light only after the victim's sister shared the distressing incident with her parents after the funeral.
The girl's body was discovered on March 16, police said.
Officials said the girl died by hanging when the parents were not home on March 15.
Investigation in the case is still on.