A cloudburst in Dharamshala has triggered a flash flood, washing away vehicles and causing damage to properties in the Bhagsu Nag area. Several videos have been shared by locals as well as the authorities, including SHO Mcleodganj Vipin Chaudhary, on Twitter. A 37-second clip, shared by news agency ANI, shot from the balcony of a building, shows dreadful visuals of a huge amount of water gushing rapidly through the parked vehicles. A few seconds into the clip, an SUV is seen being uprooted by the water but blocked by other vehicles, bundled together by flash floods.
People capturing these visuals could be heard screaming at the sight of a huge SUV being washed away. Once the car was blocked by other vehicles, one of them said: "Now, no car will go beyond this." Others expressed shock at the sheer amount of water coming from the other side.
#WATCH Flash flood in Bhagsu Nag, Dharamshala due to heavy rainfall. #HimachalPradesh
— ANI (@ANI) July 12, 2021
(Video credit: SHO Mcleodganj Vipin Chaudhary) pic.twitter.com/SaFjg1MTl4
Heavy rain has lashed the Kangra district, 58 km from Dharamshala, throwing life into disarray. The rapid pace at which the water was flowing transformed — in no time — a brook in Bhagsu Nag, which is a tourist attraction, into nothing short of a river. Some of the hotels in the area have reported heavy damage. The cloudburst and flash floods have instilled fear in people and also caused commotion and confusion.
Chief Minister Jairam Thakur has sought a report on the losses suffered and has directed officials to extend all help to the affected areas.
प्रदेश के जिला कांगड़ा सहित विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में भारी बरसात के कारण काफी नुकसान हुआ है, जिसकी हमने रिपोर्ट मंगवाई है।
— Jairam Thakur (@jairamthakurbjp) July 12, 2021
हमने सभी जिलों के उपायुक्तों को राहत कार्यों एवं प्रभावितों को हरसंभव सहायता प्रदान करने के निर्देश दे दिए हैं।
Besides Kangra, several other districts in Himachal Pradesh have also witnessed heavy rain after days of hot weather. The Monday downpour brought respite but caused a lot of damage too.
Cloudburst in Bhagsunath, Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. @ndtv pic.twitter.com/a7o7JnHBRo
— Mohammad Ghazali (@ghazalimohammad) July 12, 2021
Another video shared by a Twitter user showed the magnitude of flash floods. The person recording the video is heard saying, "This is live from Dharamshala. A cloudburst has taken place. The visuals look scary as tiny houses in the background appear to be at the risk of being washed away in a while if not immediately.
Dharamshala (Hp): Flash Flood In Bhagsu Nag #Dharamshala Due To Heavy Rainfall In #Mcleodganj#Flood #rains pic.twitter.com/pjdKwqxuxA
— Amit.sahu (@amitsahujourno) July 12, 2021
Heavy rain has lashed Mcleodganj and nearby areas at a time when tourists from different parts of the country have thronged the hill station.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has spoken to Mr Thakur and taken stock of the situation arising due to the floods in several districts of the state and assured him all possible help from the Centre. He also conveyed to him that National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams are reaching the affected areas for rescue and relief work.
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