Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath offered prayers at Kedarnath Temple on the last day of his three-day tour to Uttarakhand on Sunday. Thousands of people chanted Jai Shri Ram and greeted the chief minister, an official statement issued in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow said.
Badri Kedar Temple Committee Chairman Ajay Ajayendra and other dignitaries welcomed him at the Kedarnath helipad by presenting him a bouquet.
The priest community congratulated Yogi Adityanath with the traditional chanting of mantras. He visited the Kedarnath Temple and wished for the welfare of the people of the country and the state, the statement said.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, Principal Secretary (Home) Sanjay Prasad and Principal Secretary Tourism Mukesh Meshram were present on the occasion.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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