This Article is From Oct 01, 2014

Come to India, It's a Win-Win Situation, PM Tells Business Leaders in US

Prime Minister Narenndra Modi on Tuesday addressed the US-India Business Council in Washington where he showcased India's economic prowess and invited AMerican business leaders to invest in India.

Here are the highlights of PM Modi's address:

  • You all have honoured me and welcomed me. I am grateful for that.
  • India has a population of 125 crore and it is necessary that the world pays attention to it
  • India is marching ahead with a renewed confidence
  • For any government, an experience of 3-4 months is not enough
  • Even with this small experience, I can say there's no reason for India to stay behind
  • India is moving ahead with great speed... times have changed, our intentions have changed and our motives have changed
  • Money runs in the blood of Gujaratis, we instinctively know business and commerce
  • Businesses don't want any concession from a government - they need effective governance, ease of business
  • Whether they get red carpet or not, they do not want red tape
  • A government should not be in business, its job is to facilitate
  • The economic system should have vibrancy, the tax system should be easy
  • We have given priority to all these things after coming to power
  • Sometimes the government likes making new laws but I haven't done that. I have set up a committee whose job is to do away with all laws that are useless. We should come out of the web of laws, systems should be simple
  • We live in a digital world, it has become fast... the common man's life has also changed with technology
  • A government should be two steps ahead of societal needs, can't be ten steps behind
  • We have taken the initiative of digital India, our country should have mobile governance
  • The 'Make-in-India' campaign I've started is linked to Digital India... anyone who wants to transact with the government should be able to do it from his mobile phone
  • We want to use technology for good governance, effective governance
  • We want to take everyone with us, we want people's feedback on policies to make them more people-friendly
  • Come to India, it is a win-win situation
  • We are all together on the march of progress, India's economy is rapidly changing and you must come make use of that opportunity
  • My trip was very successful... this is my last engagement and after this I'm going straight to the airport