Clashes broke out between two communities during an Eid Milan programme in Dildarnagar area of West Bengal's Asansol on Wednesday night. Although the situation has now been brought under control, police personnel have been deployed there in large numbers to prevent any recurrence of violence.
Stones were thrown by both sides, causing injuries to several people. A number of motorcycles were vandalised, and about half a dozen others set afire. When all methods of persuasion failed, police used tear gas shells to disperse the mob.
As many as 25 people have been arrested in connection with the violence so far, Asansol-Durgapur Police Commissioner DP Singh said over the phone today. The situation has been brought under control, he said.
According to reports, the incident occurred while members of a certain community were participating in an Eid Milan programme in Dildarnagar. A few people passing by in a drunk state allegedly began shouting abuses at the gathered crowd, following which they were roughed up.
Later, the drunk people returned with a mob and began throwing stones at those attending the programme. Several motorcycles were vandalised or torched in the clashes that followed.
Although the violence has abated, tension continues to prevail in Dildarnagar area. Police patrolling has been intensified to ensure that the clashes don't recur.