Attacking the BJP for its manifesto, Congress on Friday said the party was "not in tune" with India and had "lost" its way. It also said that the manifesto was of no value.
"Their problem is they give an agenda to people which has no value because when it comes to NDA, the partners are not willing to accept their agenda. Therefore, this is not a national agenda. This is a parochial BJP agenda which has no value," Union minister and Congress spokesperson Kapil Sibal said.
Claiming that BJP was "not in tune" with the country, Sibal said, "BJP has lost its way. This manifesto is a reflection of the fact that they have lost their way. They will never be in tune with India. They will always be the BJP which is never in tune with India."
Another party spokesperson Ashwini Kumar slammed BJP for raking up the Ram temple issue ahead of elections.
"Whenever elections come, BJP rakes up the issue of Ram temple to divide the country and society," he said.
Asked about the BJP raising the issue of Article 370, Kumar said, "They (BJP) are not interested in secular polity of the country. They have one agenda and that is to whip up sentiments. It is not going to succeed".
Kumar said every Indian respected Lord Ram. "Nobody has any fight with Ram. The fight is against those who are out to divide the country," he added.