Two days after the Election Commission announced the dates for the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress party held a high-level strategy meeting in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home turf Gujarat. The Congress Working Committee (CWC) met to kick-start its campaign for the Lok Sabha elections as well as have a brainstorming session in Ahmedabad, in order to give a final shape to the party's election strategy. The meeting started with a two-minute silence in memory of the victims of Pulwama terror attack. Congress leaders including party chief Rahul Gandhi, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra were among the party leaders attending the meeting. According to sources, Ms Gandhi in her address lashed out at the PM Modi government for "politicising" issues related to national interest. She also called for highlighting the achievements of the previous UPA government along with emphasising on the need to move forward in providing a new vision for the country.
Former prime minister Manmohan Singh, who also addressed the meeting, talked about the agrarian crisis, hampered industrial growth and unemployment under the present regime at the Centre.
The top Congress leadership paid their respects to Mahatma Gandhi at the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. Priyanka Gandhi also addressed her first public rally today after joining the Congress party.
Here are the highlights on the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting in Gujarat:
Gujarat: Visuals from the public rally of Congress party in Gandhinagar.
- ANI (@ANI) 12 March 2019