In the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections next year, the Congress has picked up a host of issues to corner the BJP-led government, the controversial Rafale deal being the latest. And a day after Rahul Gandhi promised that in the "next two-three months you will have fun after we will show you Narendra Modi's work -- Rafale, Vijay Mallya, Lalit Modi, Demonetisation, Gabbar Singh Tax (his expansion for the GST)", Congress's social media head Divya Spandana tweeted a list of what her party called as "scams and corruption of Modi and his govt". It's titled as the "A to Z of BJP Scams".
The image lists out 26 scams, in alphabetical order, attributed to the "Bhrashtachari Janta Party". It starts with "A for Adani Power Scam" and carries an image of industrialist Gautam Adani. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mug shot is used twice to highlight the "Rafale scam" and "Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) scam". Those featured on this list include, Smriti Irani, Anandiben Patel, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Prakash Javadekar, Jay Shah, Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi and BS Yedyurappa.
The tweet was liked by thousands and retweeted by several hundreds.
All the scams and corruption of Modi and his Govt right here #CorruptModi
- Divya Spandana/Ramya (@divyaspandana) September 25, 2018
The Congress has been attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP on the Rafale jet deal, which took a new turn last week with former French president Francois Hollande's comment in an interview that the Indian government suggested Anil Ambani's Reliance Defence as an offset partner for Rafale maker Dassault, that France was given no choice. Mr Hollande later said that only Dassault Aviation can comment on why Reliance Defence was chosen as the offset partner.
The party's social media pages are regularly sharing content -- memes, videos and graphics -- around several issues including Rafale, PNB scam, Demonetisation and GST among others to target the BJP-led government.
"The man who came to remove corruption has himself given Rs. 30,000 crore to Anil Ambani. The fun has just begun, things are set to turn more interesting. In the next two-three months you will have fun after we will show you Narendra Modi's work - Rafale, Vijay Mallya, Lalit Modi, Demonetisation, Gabbar Singh Tax. All of it is theft. One by one, we will show that Narendra Modi ji is not a chowkidar (gatekeeper), but a chor (thief)," the Congress chief said last night.
The BJP termed the Congress's allegations as "mud-slinging". "They (Congress) are indulging in mud-slinging because they find it easier... They have indulged in mud-slinging earlier too. But I want to tell them, the more you throw mud at us, the more the lotus (BJP's symbol) will bloom," PM Modi said today.
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