Congress veteran Thakur Singh Bharmouri will once again contest from the Bharmour (ST) seat in the upcoming Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls. He will face a tough fight from BJP's Janak Raj and Parkash Chand Bhardwaj of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Thakur Singh Bharmouri is a prominent leader from this constituency in Himachal Pradesh's Chamba district.
Here are five points about Thakur Singh Bharmouri:
- Thakur Singh Bharmouri won the Bharmour (ST) seat in the 2012 Himachal Assembly elections. He defeated BJP's Jia Lal by a margin of 3,467 votes. While the Congress leader got 24,751 votes, Jia Lal managed 21,284 votes.
– In the 2017 state elections, it was Jia Lal who emerged as the winner from Bharmour. He defeated Thakur Singh Bharmouri by a margin of 7,349 votes.
– Mr Bharmouri was the Forest Minister in the Virbhadra Singh-led Congress government in the state between 2012 and 2017.
– He is currently the Vice President of the Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee.
– The 75-year-old has done his BA from Himachal Pradesh University and Bachelor's in Music from Allahabad University.
Himachal Pradesh will be voting for a new government on November 12. The polling will take place in one phase. The results will be declared a month later on December 8.
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