Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said on Thursday that victory of the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance in the upcoming polls was certain and all efforts would be taken to ensure that Republican Party of India (Athawale) or RPI(A) candidates emerge victorious.
The Republican Party of India (Athawale), led by Union minister Ramdas Athawale, is an ally of the BJP-Sena alliance.
Mr Fadnavis was speaking at a rally organised by Ramdas Athawale, a prominent Dalit leader of Maharashtra, in Mumbai.
Victory of the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance in the upcoming polls is certain and all efforts would be taken to ensure RPI(A) candidates emerge victorious, he said.
Mr Fadnavis said the claim of the opposition that the BJP plans to change the Constitution and end the system of reservations in jobs and education was not true. "The Constitution is the Bhagavad Gita, Bible, and Quran for us. When leaders like Ramdas Athawale are with us, no one can think of changing the Constitution," he said.
Mr Fadnavis also said that BR Ambedkar had opposed inclusion of Article 370 in the Constitution that gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir. With the abrogation of provisions of Article 370, BR Ambedkar's opposition stands justified.
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