While Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav were unveiling their pet projects in their native village of Saifai, barely one kilometre away from the venue bodies of two farmers, who were killed, were lying on a road unattended for more than three hours.
When Sanjay Yadav, Station Officer of the Saifai police station, was asked about the delay, he said that there was nobody available who could reach the crime scene as he too was deployed at the venue of the event.
The Yadavs were distributing cheques under the unemployment allowance scheme and the Kanya Vidya Dhan. The entire Etawah district police force was deployed in VIP security. Hours later only three constables reached the crime scene.
The two farmers, Rajvir and Chandra Pal, were allegedly murdered because they had an argument with other locals for sharing of irrigation water.
The district's crime record shows that there have been 74 murders in Etawah ever since Akhilesh Yadav took over as chief minister about six months ago.
When Sanjay Yadav, Station Officer of the Saifai police station, was asked about the delay, he said that there was nobody available who could reach the crime scene as he too was deployed at the venue of the event.
The Yadavs were distributing cheques under the unemployment allowance scheme and the Kanya Vidya Dhan. The entire Etawah district police force was deployed in VIP security. Hours later only three constables reached the crime scene.
The two farmers, Rajvir and Chandra Pal, were allegedly murdered because they had an argument with other locals for sharing of irrigation water.
The district's crime record shows that there have been 74 murders in Etawah ever since Akhilesh Yadav took over as chief minister about six months ago.
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