India recorded 70,496 fresh cases of coronavirus and 964 deaths in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of COVID-19 cases to 69 lakh, shows the Health Ministry data released this morning. A total of 78,365 people also successfully fought off the viral disease over the last 24 hours, bringing down the overall active cases to almost 13 per cent of the total caseload. According to the government figures, total Covid cases in India now stand at 69,06,151, including 8,93,592 active cases, 59,06,069 recoveries and 1,06,490 total deaths. India's recovery rate increased marginally to 85.5 per cent, death rate stood steady at 1.5 per cent.
Here are the top 10 updates on coronavirus cases:
New recoveries in India have exceeded the new cases for 3 continuous weeks now, the Health Ministry has tweeted, adding that the number of new coronavirus cases have also declines steadily during this time.
More than 11.6 lakh Covid samples were tested in the country in the last 24 hours, government data shows. The country's average weekly positivity rate was 5.6 per cent on October 9, significantly lower than 8.7 per cent a month ago.
However, health experts in some states have warned of a sharp spike in cases ahead of the festival season and winter months.
Doctors in Kolkata have written to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee urging her to take stricter measures to restrict public gathering during Durga puja, as it might "lead to a tsunami" of infections as West Bengal recorded its largest ever case rise in 24 hours with 3,526 new infections taking its tally past the 2.84 lakh mark.
Delhi needs to be prepared for about 15,000 fresh cases of COVID-19 per day taking into account the upcoming winter season-related respiratory problems, large influx of patients from outside and festive gatherings, a report drafted by the National Centre for Disease Control under the guidance of NITI Aayog health expert Dr VK Paul has warned.
As India looks at an increase in infections, the Indian Medical Association has questioned the scientific basis of the government's recently released protocol based on Ayurveda and yoga for the prevention and treatment of asymptomatic and mild patients of COVID-19. "Are proponents of this claim...prepared to subject themselves as volunteers to an independent prospective double-blind control study in prevention and treatment of COVID? " country's top doctors'body IMA asked.
Chhattisgarh government said schools in the state will continue to remain closed. The state has a total of 1.34 lakh Covid cases, which have been rising despite restrictions being imposed in many districts.
Sikkim - one of the first states to opt for a lockdown - is all set to reopen for tourists from October 10, barring a few but premier tourist attractions of Nathu La, Lachung and Yaksom.
India remains the second worst affected nation by the coronavirus pandemic, next only to the United States of America where the Covid tally is about 76 lakh with more than 2 lakh deaths.
India's COVID-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on August 7, 30 lakh on August 23 and 40 lakh on September 5. It went past 50 lakh on September 16 and crossed 60 lakh on September 28.