Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday announced a massive sanitisation drive in the national capital's containment areas (red zone) and high risk "orange zones" to check the spread of the deadly coronavirus. He also said the drivers of e-rickshaws, auto-rickshaws and cab drivers with valid badge number or driver license can apply for the government's help of Rs 5,000 per month from Monday on the transport department's website.
"We have declared COVID-19 containment zones as 'Red Zones" and high-risk zones as 'Orange Zones' ...We have identified more containment zones in the national capital...We will carry out massive sanitisation drive in COVID-19 containment zones and orange zones from Monday," he said.
Mr Kejriwal said his "Operation Shield" - which entails sealing of containment zones, home quarantine, isolation and tracking, essential supply, local sanitisation and door-to-door checking - has been a success.
"No new case of COVID-19 has been reported in Dilshad Garden in the last 10 days due to Operation SHIELD...Operation SHIELD will be implemented in all areas which have been declared as containment zones," he said.
"I know people would be facing difficulties in these areas, but it is necessary for saving their lives," he added.
Mr Kejriwal said the Delhi government will use 10 advanced Japanese machines and 50 Delhi Jal Board machines for the sanitisation drive.
Talking about his recent announcement to provide Rs 5,000 to the drivers, he said: "An applicant who has valid driving license and badge will be able to avail the benefit under the scheme".
Ten new coronavirus hotspots have been identified in Delhi over a 24-hour period, it was announced on Sunday evening, taking the total number of hotspots in the national capital to 43; 30 were identified on Friday and 25 on Thursday.
Areas declared hotspots today include East of Kailash, a posh residential colony in south Delhi, and places like Madanpur Khadar, Abul Fazal Enclave, Khadda Colony in Jaitpur Extension, Bengali Colony in Mahaveer Enclave and Shera Mohalla Garhi.
Delhi has 1,069 COVID-19 cases so far and 19 deaths have been linked to the virus.
With inputs from PTI
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