This Article is From Jan 24, 2022

Coronavirus Highlights: 3.33 Lakh New Covid Cases In India, 525 Deaths

Coronavirus highlights: The daily positivity rate marginally risen from 17.22 per cent to 17.78 per cent while the weekly positivity rate was recorded at 16.87 per cent.

Coronavirus Highlights: 3.33 Lakh New Covid Cases In India, 525 Deaths

India Covid-19 Cases: The active cases now comprise 5.57 per cent of the total infections.

New Delhi:

India's daily Covid curve showed a very marginal improvement today as the country reported 3,33,533 cases, slight lower than the 3.37 lakh daily cases recorded yesterday. The new numbers have taken the total caseload in the country to 3,92,37,264.

525 fresh fatalities were also recorded in the past 24 hours, taking the total death count in the country, as a result of coronavirus, to 4,89,409.

The active cases now comprise 5.57 per cent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has decreased to 93.18 per cent. The active caseload in the country currently stands 21,87,205.

The daily positivity rate marginally risen from 17.22 per cent to 17.78 per cent while the weekly positivity rate was recorded at 16.87 per cent.

The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country have crossed the 161-crore mark. 94 per cent of India's adults have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, while 72 per cent are fully vaccinated, according to the government.

Here are the LIVE Updates on coronavirus cases in India:

Jan 24, 2022 03:54 (IST)
21,914 Families Given ₹ 50,000 Covid Death Aid In Delhi: Officials
A total of 21,914 families who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19 in Delhi have received a one-time financial aid of Rs 50,000 from the Delhi Disaster Response Fund (DDRF), officials said on Sunday. Read here.
Jan 24, 2022 02:26 (IST)
COVID-19 India News: Jharkhand Reports 1,269 New Cases, 8 Deaths In Last 24 Hours

Jan 23, 2022 22:56 (IST)
Europe Could Be Headed For Covid Pandemic 'Endgame': WHO
The Omicron variant has moved the Covid-19 pandemic into a new phase and could bring it to an end in Europe, the WHO Europe director said Sunday.
Jan 23, 2022 22:11 (IST)
Maharashtra: Parents should send their children to school only if they feel it is safe, says Aditya Thackrey
Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Aditya Thackrey on Sunday said that parents should make their own decisions and send their children to schools only if they feel it is safe to do.

Schools in Maharashtra for classes 1 to 12 are to be re-opened on January 24 with COVID-19 protocols, the Maharashtra School Education Minister, Varsha Gaikwad, said on Thursday.
Jan 23, 2022 20:08 (IST)
Mumbai sees 2,550 new COVID-19 cases, 13 deaths
Mumbai on Sunday reported 2,550 new coronavirus positive cases, taking the tally of infections to 10,34,833. The death toll rose to 16,535 after 13 more patients succumbed to the coronavirus infection, the city civic body said.
Jan 23, 2022 19:01 (IST)
COVID-19: Vice President Venkaiah Naidu Tests Positive
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu has tested positive for COVID-19. In a tweet by the Vice President Secretariat, Mr Naidu has asked everyone who came in contact with him to isolate themselves and get tested.
Jan 23, 2022 17:34 (IST)
Just in: Delhi records 9, 197 new COVID-19 cases, 34 deaths. Positivity rate comes down to 13.32%
Jan 23, 2022 16:24 (IST)
Filmmaker Selvaraghavan tests positive for COVID-19
Filmmaker Selvaraghavan on Sunday said he has tested positive for COVID-19 and asked those who came in contact with him to get checked for the virus.

The 44-year-old director, known for films like "Nenjam Marappathillai", "NGK" and "Mayakkam Enna" took to Twitter to update his followers about his COVID diagnosis.

Jan 23, 2022 14:45 (IST)
Coronavirus India News: Omicron In Community Transmission Stage, Dominant Strain In Cities
The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is in the community transmission stage in the country and has become dominant in several metros where new cases have been spiking exponentially, INSACOG said in its latest bulletin.

Short for Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium, INSACOG checks variations in coronavirus across the nation to help understand how it spreads and evolves, and to suggest the best possible public health response.

The centre's Covid research body also said BA.2 lineage, an infectious sub-variant of Omicron, has been detected in a considerable fraction in India.
Jan 23, 2022 13:03 (IST)
Coronavirus Live Updates: Odisha records 8,520 fresh Covid cases in 24 hours, 6 related deaths
Odisha on Sunday recorded 8,520 coronavirus cases -- 325 infections less than the previous day -- pushing the tally to 12,04,660, the health department said its bulletin.

On Saturday, the state had logged 8,845 new cases and seven deaths.

The total deaths in the state mounted to 8,520 with six more fatalities in the past 24 hours, the bulletin said.

Odisha currently has 85,320 active cases, including 31,501 in Khurda.
Jan 23, 2022 11:19 (IST)
Jan 23, 2022 10:29 (IST)
2 Million People Tested For Covid In Beijing As Winter Olympics Loom
Beijing city officials on Sunday said all two million residents of a neighbourhood where they identified a small cluster of Covid-19 infections will be tested, less than two weeks ahead of the start of the Winter Olympics.

The announcement came days after China's postal service ordered workers to disinfect international deliveries after authorities claimed mail could be the source of recent coronavirus cases.

Some 30 infections have been detected in the past week in Beijing, one of the world's most populous cities.
Jan 23, 2022 09:11 (IST)
India records 3.33 lakh new Covid cases in 24 hours, marginally lower than yesterday
India recorded 3,33,533 new Covid cases today, marginally lower than yesterday's 3.37 lakh daily cases. The positivity rate is slightly up from yesterday's 17.22% to 17.78% today.

525 fresh fatalities were also recorded in the past 24 hours, taking the total death count in the country, as a result of coronavirus, to 4,89,409.
Jan 23, 2022 08:22 (IST)
Why Is Covid Vaccine Pass Mandatory? Thousands Protest In France
Some 38,000 people protested across France Saturday, the interior ministry said, two days before a vaccination health pass becomes mandatory to take part in much of public life.

From Monday, those aged 16 and above will have to show they have been jabbed to access restaurants or bars, leisure activities or use inter-regional public transport.

A negative Covid test will no longer be sufficient, except to access health services.
Jan 23, 2022 07:36 (IST)
Coronavirus Live Updates: Canada reports 13,555 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours
Canada confirmed 13,555 new COVID-19 cases Saturday afternoon, elevating its national caseload to 2,905,560 with 32,502 deaths, CTV reported.

Ontario, the most populous province, reported 6,473 new cases with 47 additional deaths while Quebec, another populous province, announced 5,547 new cases with 68 new deaths.

Both provinces reported a drop in COVID-19-related hospitalizations but a jump in the number of patients being treated in intensive care units (ICU) on Saturday.
Jan 23, 2022 06:40 (IST)
"Such Is Life": New Zealand PM Cancels Her Wedding Amid Covid Outbreak
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was Sunday forced to call off her own wedding as she tightened Covid-19 restrictions in the face of an outbreak of the Omicron variant.

"My wedding will not be going ahead," she confirmed after detailing new restrictions; including a limit of 100 fully vaccinated people at events.

The emergence of nine cases of Omicron in a family who travelled between cities to attend a wedding, and the infection of a flight attendant on one aircraft they flew on, forced New Zealand to impose its "red setting" restrictions from midnight Sunday.
Jan 23, 2022 05:45 (IST)
Lockdown In Tamil Nadu Today Amid Covid Surge
Tamil Nadu has said there will be a lockdown for today amid a surge in Covid cases, as per Chief Minister MK Stalin's announcement on Friday. Autos and taxis will be allowed to go to airport, bus and rail stations.

On Thursday, Tamil Nadu recorded 28,561 new Covid cases.