India added 1,52,879 fresh infections reported since yesterday, setting another grim one-day record as the country's Covid tally reached over 1.33 crore cases. 839 deaths in the last 24 hour pushed the total death count to 1.69 lakh.
Active cases have seen a steady increase for the 32nd day in row. The active cases increased to 11,08,087 comprising 8.29 per cent of the total infections, while the recovery rate further dropped to 90.44 per cent, the Health Ministry said.
The worrying surge has forced many states to consider night curfew and other virus-fighting measures to control the pandemic. In Maharashtra - which accounts for 51.23 per cent of the total active cases - Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has hinted at the possibility of a lockdown.
The Delhi government on Saturday announced new restrictions amid an alarming rise in coronavirus cases, banning most public gatherings and setting limits for attendance at restaurants, theatres, on public transport and functions like weddings and funerals.
A weekend lockdown was imposed from 8 pm on Friday to 7 am on Monday in Maharashtra amid an unprecedented surge in coronavirus cases.
Here are the Highlights on Coronavirus India Cases:
Governor Anandiben Patel said the situation was grim and vaccination against COVID-19 should be ramped up.
"In view of the surge of COVID pandemic and to meet the demand of increased manpower, the Medical Directors/Medical Superintendents/Directors of all COVID Hospitals of Government of NCT of Delhi are authorized to engage 4th and 5th-year MBBS students, Interns and BDS pass Doctors as per the provisions of order No. 52/DGHS/PH-IV/COVID-19/2020/ss4hfw/1144 dated 18.11.2020 issued by this Department", read the order by the Delhi government.